Virtual Meetup for Members
- The time stated above is London, United Kingdom. To convert to your time zone, click here.
- When you add the event to your calendar, the time is converted to your local time zone.
- To understand what this event is all about, please read the Virtual Meetup Guidelines.
- Join us for an informal online chat, with up to 25 participants. First come, first served.
- Your online session will last for one hour, and then automatically disconnect.
- This ensures fair use, and gives more people a chance to participate.
- Feel free to connect again, if there is still a vacant slot available.
- Simply click on this link to join the session(s), at the time above.
- Converse in English; German; Spanish; French; Italian; Portuguese.
- Thanks for your proactive, positive, polite and professional participation.
- This is a family friendly forum. Any offenders will be permanently banned.
Please read the Virtual Meetup Guidelines!
Click here to select your preferred language…